Welcome to Antiex Solutions

We are Best Web Design & Web Development Company in Ludhiana, Punjab.

Antiex Solutions is a full-service digital Marketing & IT Company  in Ludhiana that is dedicated to growing your business online through website design, Web development, App Development, digital marketing, Promotions Videos and more. Our services are based around helping you grow and increase revenue with real results.

We’re located in #3314 Hari Kartar Colony, Ganesh Nagar, Ludhiana and have worked with clients locally, statewide, and nationally. We have the Creative team and each of us specializes in various areas of the web, ranging from server maintenance to web design, Website development, App Development Graphic Design and digital marketing and Productions Videos.

Graphic Design

Services We Provide

Antiex Solutions Provides One Stop Business Services to Our Clients like Website Design, Web Development, App Development, Software Development, Branding, Graphic Designing, Digital Marketing, SEO, Promotional Videos and many more.

App Development

Software Development

Website Design & Development

Engage Your Customers & Keep Them Coming Back With A Great Website.

Antiex Solutions produce each website in a unique way. The best web designers are used for this purpose. Furthermore, we endeavor to ensure all our sites meet the accessibility standards demanded by the World Wide Web Consortium.

Websites are one of the most Important Asset in Creating the first impression of your company in online world. Visitors easily determine if they want to stay or go in milliseconds. Engage your customers and keep them coming back for more Leads with a professionally designed website and marketing messages that encourage them to get in touch with you.

Utilize responsive design to make sure your website is easily viewed on any device or risk loosing that customer to your competitor. A great website turns visitors into Customers, Lead, calls and sales!

Web Deisgn Company in Ludhiana



Software Development

Expand Your Business With Softwares.

Software development is the collective processes involved in creating and developing software programs. Software development include research, new development, modification, reuse, maintenance, or any other activities that result in software products. Software Development is the procedure of writing and preserving the source code, but as well includes a planned and structured development from the beginning of the desired software to its last appearance. Our website designing company develops the software with the help of experts in our team

Some of our Software:

We Serve All Industries

We stay on top of our industry by being experts in yours.







SEO & Digital Marketing

Do You Want Better Rankings & More Leads?

85% Of People Search Online For Products & Services. In today’s complex business climate, digital marketing and lead generation have become crucial components in running a successful business. For the web to work for your business, you need to reach your customers when and where they are looking for the services and products that you offer.

Antiex Solutions also provides the services of SEO like other best web designing companies. It increases your website’s traffic, audience, rankings, brand awareness and revenue. It is used for the website promotion by using the ethical ways. Our company has the team of SEO experts who work according to the requirements of our customers.

Mobile App


Mobile App Development

Expand Your Business With Mobile App.

Services on the Internet are increasingly being consumed and distributed via smart-phones or tablets. As a mobile app development company, we realize how crucial it is for businesses to make the most of mobility solutions. we can aid you in the process of customers outreach, the eventual conversion and revenue generation.

we specialize in android app development, IOS app development as well as hybrid app development for different types of businesses. Benefit from our extensive experience in building all types of apps ranging from streaming applications to business tools to customer support and much more.

IOS - Android - Tablets

Our 4 Step For Growing a Brand online

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.



In most industries, less than 2% of first time visitors convert, while returning visitors convert at an average of 6%, reinforcing the importance of maintaining the interest of your users


Generate Brand Loyalty

Having a user-friendly experience is an important part of any successful business strategy, but generating relevant traffic is essential to having a strong conversion rate.


Convert More Leads

Converting incoming traffic into a lead or a sale is the third step to building a brand online. A conversion can be defined as any measurement that engages a user with your brand


Drive qualified Traffic

Growing a brand online is to continuously bring visitors and customers back. Generating recurring traffic is a key element in building a trusted relationship with your audience.

Successful Projects
Satisfied Customers
Growth in the last 3 Years

Our Clients


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